(I’m also using a different MAC as I’m on a different switch running Fabricpath): I am running this command from one of my spine switches in the Fabricpath topology. Now, when we do the same thing in a Fabricpath topology, we get a little different results. * 800 90e2.ba5b.3f90 dynamic 30 F F Po1118Īs you can see, we get the VLAN and what port the MAC shows up on. VLAN MAC Address Type age Secure NTFY Ports/ * - primary entry, G - Gateway MAC, (R) - Routed MAC, O - Overlay MACĪge - seconds since last seen,+ - primary entry using vPC Peer-Link, # sh mac address-table address 90e2.ba5b.3f90 The command “show mac-address address results in a nice easy to read output as such: Finding a host in a CE (Classic Ethernet) switched datacenter is a simple matter of showing the MAC address table on a switch and following the port that MAC is seen on until you end up at an access layer switch the host you are looking for is connected to.